Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obesity Issues In Adolescents

An individual is considered obese when the total body weight is minimum 10 p.c more than the advocated weight for his / her body structure and height. According to a rough figure each year hundred bill bucks are spent on the obesity problem. It is vital to treat the issue as soon as possible. Overweight youngsters between the age of 10 and thirteen have 80 percent probabilities of growing into overweight adults, unless they change their methods and adopt a more fit way of life. The weight issue starts from the age of 5 and continue until puberty. Obesity can be caused due to complicated reasons including biological, genetic, cultural and behavior factors. Often someone gets fat when he / she consumes more calories than the body burns. Also there are 50 percent possibilities of becoming overweight when both one of the parent is fat and when obesity has influenced both the folks, the chances increases to 80 p.c. One p.c of overweight folk can have that fat due to health reasons, as obesity can be caused due to few medical aberrations.

The factors behind obesity in puberty are overeating, family history, bad diet habits, no exercise, medical sickness, low self-worth, medicines, depression, emotional issues, nerve wracking life, and family problem. Obesity may cause many major issues. A number of them are diabetes, sleeping defects, raised blood pressure, respiring issues, emotional issues and increase in heart problems risk. Youths are far more subject to get emotional issues. Due to the weight, they develop low self worth. They get into depression, obsessive compulsion disorder and tension. Teens who need to tackle the fatness problem should approach a pediatrician who will completely guage the cause. If no physical disorder is to be blamed, the weight is reduced by limiting the calorie consumption and skyrocketing exercise. The doctor can recommendation a weight management program and change the diet habits of the teen, slowly. The patient must avoid oily, greasy, fast and fast food. The potions must be reduced in order to lower the calorie consumption. If the teen has developed emotional issues because of obesity, a teen psychiatrist can cooperate with the pediatrician to make an all-inclusive plan for treatment.