If you are following a good diet and doing exercise but you do not see positive results at the time of lowering of weight, the factors can be several that prevent you from loosing weight. Problems in the thyroid gland, a slow metabolism or the indirect effect of some medicines are only some of them. But we go to the basic thing and we have pay attention to a greater cause: the dream.
Are you sleeping well? To sleep well we understand at least seven hours of uninterrupted dream in which you really feel that you have rested and that after then you awake with physical energies (not necessarily mental) to begin the day. If you are not fulfilling in this way, perhaps that is the cause of which you cannot become thin.
With bad sleep, your body experiences a hormonal destabilization especially of two key hormones: the leptina and the grelina. First is the one which is in charge to inform to your brain that you already have ingested sufficient food, whereas the grelina is in charge to foment the hunger.
When sleeping badly the lack of dream produces a reduction in the leptina levels and an increase in the grelina levels, which makes you be much hungry and does not count when you have already fed sufficiently.
For that reason it is fundamental that you spend hours of dream to sleep.
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