Are low carbohydrate diets safe? How safe is Atkins diet? Are low carbohydrate and Atkins diets deadly to your health? These are unanswered questions for dieters all around the planet. I have attempted locarb diets and Atkins diet and these diets made me shed the pounds extremely swiftly. However not only did I lose fat weight, I also lost muscle weight. I had extremely clear muscle and fat reduction because I am able to visually see my reduced muscle mass in the mirror. This definitely is unhealthy. Additionally , the more muscle mass that you lose, the less toned your body shape is. The final result is that you'll finish up thin and yet looked fat with lose skin. The annoying part will be that after you are off the locarb or Atkins diet, you may terribly potentially gain back all of the weight that you have loss and far more. This is actually because your muscles are active and they steadily burn energy.
Since you've got less less muscle mass now, your body's metabolism or capacity to burn energy slows down fantastically. In other words, when you put on weight again, you are putting on blubber rather than muscles if you don't exercise.
You'll be fatter and less healthy than before you went on the locarb or Atkins diet. To compound matters, because of smaller muscles leading to lower metabolism and so smaller calories being burnt, you're going to get fatter. Since then I have stayed off both locarb and Atkins diet. Both kinds of diets are virtually similar as they need you to cut back radically on your intake of carbs. Atkins diet went a step farther by recommending nearly no carbohydrate consumption for two weeks before adding some carbohydrates to your meals steadily thereafter.
Besides losing muscles, how safe are low carbohydrate diets? This is what Dr Lyn Steffen and Dr Jennifer Nettleton from the Varsity of Minnesota's College of Public Health commentated in a Lancet report, "Low carbohydrate diets for weight management are some distance from healthy, given their organisation with ketosis, bowel obstruction or diarrhea, stinking breath, headache and general fatigue to name a few. "
The doctors warned the diet increases protein load on the kidneys and changes the balance of acid in the body. This also leads to loss of minerals from the bone stores and affect bone strength. The doctors went on to assert that, "Our most critical criterion should be certain safety and low carbohydrate diets now fall down short of this benchmark." Dr Atkins, the creator of the Doctor Atkins diet died in 2003 after he was alleged to have slid to an icy road and hurt his head fatally. However his medical report stated he had a record of coronary, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.Were Dr Atkins medical issues related to his low carbs diet is anyone's guess.