Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rich or reduced diets in carbohydrates control the weight

As much the rich diets as the carbohydrate reduced ones help in equal form not to reclaim the lost weight, according to the informed thing by an Australian team of investigators. The study was realised to two groups formed by 141 people between men and women.
According to the team of doctor Elizabeth A. Delbridge, of the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, some studies suggested them diets that were rich in proteins were better to lower of weight in fast form that those rich carbohydrate diets. Nevertheless, few evidences of what existed would be the best treatment not to reclaim the lost weight.
In order to respond to this the equipment it formed two groups made up of 141 men and women, who finished finishing a thinning plan. A group realised a diet with a 30% of calories that derived from protein and another group with a 15% of protein.
Both groups conserved the fat consumption under 30% of the calories total and realised a diminution of the saturated fat ingestion. These people who had thinned about 16.50 kilos only recovered 2 kilos in a year.
As far as the sanguineous pressure, this one under when the people became thin and raised in average when they consumed a rich carbohydrate diet falling in the group that made protein diet rich
For those who participated in the rich protein diet was simple to fulfill she, whereas for the group with the diet reduced in protein she was to him difficult to consume recommended carbohydrates.
